24 Jan '14, 3pm

@amyhoy rake assets:clean – Rails got you covered, no need for external services

$ rails generate scaffold HighScore game:string score:integer invoke active_record create db/migrate/20130717151933_create_high_scores.rb create app/models/high_score.rb invoke test_unit create test/models/high_score_test.rb create test/fixtures/high_scores.yml invoke resource_route route resources :high_scores invoke scaffold_controller create app/controllers/high_scores_controller.rb invoke erb create app/views/high_scores create app/views/high_scores/index.html.erb create app/views/high_scores/edit.html.erb create app/views/high_scores/show.html.erb create app/views/high_scores/new.html.erb create app/views/high_scores/_form.html.erb invoke test_unit create test/controllers/high_scores_controller_test.rb invoke helper create app/helpers/high_scores_helper.rb invoke test_unit create test/helpers/high_scores_helper_test.rb invoke jbuilder create app/views/high_scores/inde...

Full article: http://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/command_line.html#assets


Looking for the Rails 3.2 edition of Everyday R...

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Looking for the Rails 3.2 edition of Everyday Rails Testing with RSpec? January 25, 2014 I’ve had a few requests for the R...

Prevent email havesting in rails using the mail...

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<%= button_to "New", action: "new" %> # => "<form method="post" action="/controller/new" class="button_to"> # <div><input ...

listjs-rails (1.0.2): List.js automated install...

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Ruby Tapas ep 120, Outside-In Testing, streamin...

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Ruby Tapas ep 120, Outside-In Testing, streaming free at Everyday Rails Posted by everydayrails on January 24, 2014 — 0 co...

The Rails Command Line — Ruby on Rails Guides F...

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$ rails generate scaffold HighScore game:string score:integer invoke active_record create db/migrate/20120528060026_create...

@sanjay see to set the foreign keys so ...

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is a connection between two Active Record models. Associations are implemented using macro-style calls, so that you can de...

#Intridea's @Yorzi illustrates how to build a successful SNS site purely in Rails4.

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Routing Basics: Ruby on Rails for Front-End Developers

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rails_exception_handler_admin (0.1.0): Rails Ex...

rubygems.org 26 Jan '14, 5am

Rails Exception Handler Admin interface built on rails scaffolding with a twitter bootstrap theme.

Rails Testing Antipatterns: Models

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Rails Testing Antipatterns: Models Posted by markoa on January 21, 2014 — 0 comments The biggest issues with model tests a...

We built a thing for you to use! It makes searc...

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Rails Machine has a long history of helping companies scale their apps from a single virtual server to dozens of dedicated...

Getting Started with Rails — Ruby on Rails Guides -

Getting Started with Rails — Ruby on Rails Guid...

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Rails is a web application development framework written in the Ruby language. It is designed to make programming web appl...

YamlLocalesJsonizer - simple generation of JSON...

rubyflow.com 23 Jan '14, 2pm

YamlLocalesJsonizer - simple generation of JSON data for a frontend from Rails-style YAML locales Posted by morhekil on Ja...

Torquebox 3, Rails 4 - zero downtime deployment...

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Torquebox 3, Rails 4 - zero downtime deployments on Ubuntu 12.04 Posted by hubertlepicki on January 21, 2014 — 0 comments ...

@fpopenerp you raw tag is useless about-us woul...

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Active Record Basics Rails Database Migrations Active Record Validations Active Record Callbacks Active Record Association...