08 Jun '13, 12am

Damn cool. “How Git’s Smudge and Clean Filters Work” from @gilesgoatboy.

is equivalent to "run this code whenever you check anything out," and clean is equivalent to "run this code whenever you check anything in." One major caveat to that overgeneralization is that git expects the code you run to be a filter. Because of this, it not only expects input from standard out and passes your code input via standard in, it also suppresses both standard out and standard error. (Like git-bisect , git filters allow you to execute arbitrary Unix software in a very powerful context, opening up the possibility for other use cases , but firmly encourages a particular use case.)

Full article: http://gilesbowkett.blogspot.com/2013/05/how-gits-smudge-...


Getting Lean and Clean with the Clean Program |...

goodlifer.com 10 Jun '13, 3pm

The final part of the program is the reintroduction phase, which happens after the three weeks are up. For this, you reint...

Blog: A narrow defeat, but the fight for a clean power target goes on - @olliehayes #vote4cleanpower…

Blog: A narrow defeat, but the fight for a clea...

foe.co.uk 06 Jun '13, 3pm

A narrow defeat, but the fight for a clean power target goes on Oliver Hayes 06 June 2013 Earlier this week I went to Parl...