20 Dec '13, 3pm

#Christmas comes early for #devs! The beta release for #Rails 4.1.0 is full of goodies:

Hohoho, it's Xmas time, kids! We have a beta full of goodies for everyone who's been nice this year. Rails 4.1 is packed to the gills with more marvelous real-world feature extractions, bug fixes, and the tireless polish only a community full of Rails elves could bestow it with. While this is just a beta release, it's arguably a lot better tested and ready than most of our previous beta releases. The bulk of what's new are legit bug fixes and additional features. Less shifting of the tectonic plates of the architecture this time around. This should hopefully mean relatively smooth sailing for anyone on 4.0 who wish to upgrade. In fact, we're already running beta1 in production for Basecamp , so you know it's been taking a good beating. This helped us catch a couple of performance regressions, and we've verified that everything is still spiffy fast on Basecamp. This new rel...

Full article: http://weblog.rubyonrails.org/2013/12/18/Rails-4-1-beta1/...


Rails 4.1.0 beta1 released

weblog.rubyonrails.org 18 Dec '13, 12am

Rails 4.1.0 beta1: Variants, Spring, mailer previews, JS CRSF, config/secrets.yml, Enums Posted by dhh , December 18, 2013...

Rails 4.1's enums looked sexy 80% compatible wi...

edgeguides.rubyonrails.org 20 Dec '13, 1am

If you're upgrading an existing application, it's a great idea to have good test coverage before going in. You should also...

#Rails 4.1 beta1 now available!

rubyflow.com 25 Dec '13, 9pm

Rails 4.1 beta1 now available Posted by kalv on December 18, 2013 — 0 comments Rails 4.1 beta has been released just in ti...

Rails and Bootstrap

rubyflow.com 23 Dec '13, 4am

Rails and Bootstrap Posted by DanielKehoe on December 23, 2013 — 0 comments Resources for Rails and Bootstrap 3.0 from the...

Mantra is remove bloatware from Rails, Zeus pro...

robots.thoughtbot.com 19 Dec '13, 1pm

Improving Rails boot time with Zeus Dan Croak January 10, 2013 ruby rails testing Zeus improves Rails boot time. Saving se...