06 Feb '14, 3pm

rcm, an rc file manager

Mike Burns February 06, 2014 rcm open source We have built a suite of tools for managing your rc files. The rcm suite of tools is for managing dotfiles directories. This is a directory containing all the .*rc files in your home directory (.zshrc , .vimrc , and so on). These files have gone by many names in history, such as "rc files" because they typically end in rc or "dotfiles" because they begin with a period. Creative, I know. It's a unification of the existing shell scripts, make targets, rake tasks, GNU Bash constructions, and Python hacks that people copy and paste into their dotfiles repo, with a classical unix flair. Here's a very quick example: % lsrc /home/mike/.zshrc:/home/mike/.dotfiles/zshrc % rcup linking /home/mike/.zshrc This blog post demonstrates the features, but you may want to install rcm and run through the tutorial too. Build on it Once unified, we ...

Full article: http://robots.thoughtbot.com/rcm-for-rc-files-in-dotfiles...
