

There's some real gold in Cheat. Like, nuggets. Ever since we got tagged by mustache it's been just wild. Ever wonder how to make hot ...


  • this blog post was a game changer back in the day

    My Rails Toolbox 13 Nov '13, 5am

    is an incredible tool for managing Rails plugins. We had troubles when deploying with svn:externals: our server would try to make too many connections to the external SVN server too quickly. As a result, the connections would die and the deploy would fail. Piston solved this issue: we...

  • Cheat! 24 Oct '13, 12pm

    I like to work at both the command line and in my text editor (JEdit). If you are using JEdit and want to access these cheat sheets right from your text editor I put together the following BeanShell script. It will execute the cheat command with the name you give it and put the output...

  • err.the_blog 25 Sep '13, 2am

    There’s some real gold in Cheat . Like, nuggets. Ever since we got tagged by mustache it’s been just wild. Ever wonder how to make hot chocolate? We’ve got a tasty recipe . Need some night time reading to go along with your cocoa? May I suggest Into the Code ? The DataMapper sheet is ...

  • Sake Bomb! 24 Oct '13, 2am

    Awesome idea Chris, your the bomb. I know you said that you only know this to work on windows+cygwin but I just wanted to give my bug feedback that I get the exact same error as François on Debian Testing (Lenny). Growing up in Eastern Washington we had our own regional sake bomb. Mon...

  • Huba Huba — err.the_blog:

    Huba Huba — err.the_blog 03 Mar '12, 9pm

    “Huba Huba ” – Chris on May 11, 2008 Surely, by now, you’ve heard of GitHub . (Don’t call me surely.) It’s totally the Indiana Jones of repository hosts. Feel free to stalk Pj and I to see what we’re up to. Blogging be damned! If you haven’t heard of GitHub, there are tons of posts ex...

  • Nginx Config Like Whoa — err.the_blog 01 Mar '12, 7am

    I’ve been using Nginx (engine-x) for some time now and really digg it. So much simpler and nicer than Apache. Ezra apparently discovered the thing, a hidden Russian gem in the endless desert of HTTP servers, sometime last year. The problem I’ve been having is managing my vhosts. There...

  • irb Mix Tape — err.the_blog:

    irb Mix Tape — err.the_blog 07 Apr '12, 9pm

    I used to make mix tapes (CDs) back in high school all the time. There’s nothing quite like spending hours upon hours picking 75 minutes worth of songs that fit together, flow nicely, and make you look cool to girls. Different types, too. Like a ‘slow song’ mix tape or a ‘punk rock’ m...

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