Why bitcoin could fail
As the virtual currency goes mainstream, many of the reasons why investors embrace bitcoin could go away. By Sanjay Sangho...
Bitcoin ATMs will soon be... EVERYWHERE!
Bitcoin entrepreneurs Jackson Warren, left, and Paul Szczesny near their Bitcoin ATM. Bitcoin “sort of frees people to tra...

The Implications of Bitcoin: Money Without Gove...
One of my favorite things about bitcoin is how it’s such an all-inclusive tent. Bitcoin attracts political idealists from ...

Naughty America
San Diego-based adult entertainment provider Naughty America, which operates a network of 30+ porn websites, is now accept...
Google Says It Has "No Current Plans Regarding ...
today suggested Google's payment team was looking to incorporate Bitcoin, naturally sparking a lot of excitement in the vi...

US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew says government ...
Treasury and Congress at odds on debt limit timetable Congress should act as soon as possible and make sure there are no m...

Bitcoin’s three key challenges in 2014 via @WSJ...
By Paul Vigna @paulvigna [email protected] Paul Vigna Biography CONNECT @paulvigna [email protected] Paul Vigna Biograph...
Bitcoin's estimated price depending on the indu...
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Buying With the Bitcoin Crowd - Wall Street Jou...
East Side chiropractor Steven Schram isn't your typical spine man. The intellectual adventurer has a Ph.D. in chemistry an...
Bitcoin Is Not Yet Ready for the Real World
Andy Clark/Reuters Some retailers have started accepting Bitcoins. Mark T. Williams, a former commodities trading floor se...
Russia's aircraft carrier is heading to eastern...
The Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier has left its anchorage in the western part of the Mediterranean Sea and is heading ...

Head of Russia’s Largest Bank Backs Bitcoin, Again
Sberbank may not be a household name in the west, but it just happens to be the third-largest bank in Europe. It’s also th...

Jamie Dimon Goes On The Attack On Bitcoin
CNBC "It's a terrible store of value." See Also An Introduction To Bitcoin A Group Of Miners Has Exposed One Of Bitcoin's ...
This is What it's Like to Be a Woman at a Bitco...
I think my experience at the meetup is worth sharing because Bitcoin lies at the heart of both finance and tech, two indus...
I just saw the Bitcoin Across America motor hom...
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