Rails Testing Antipatterns: Fixtures and Factor...
Rails Testing Antipatterns: Fixtures and Factories Posted by markoa on January 14, 2014 — 0 comments I just published the ...
The Perils Of Opinionated Software (like Rails)...
This is a guest opinion piece by Xavier Shay. Ruby on Rails, by its own admission, is an opinionated framework. From day o...
A great example of outside-in testing from Ruby...
A great example of outside-in testing from Ruby Tapas January 15, 2014 Once you know the basic mechanics of testing, how d...
Scotland On Rails Presentations Now Online: 27 ...
Scotland On Rails Presentations Now Online: 27 Awesome Videos By Matthew Lang / May 23, 2009 Did you miss the Scotland on ...
Reading Rails - How Validation Are Configured
Reading Rails - How Validation Are Configured Posted by netghost on January 13, 2014 — 0 comments You use them every day, ...
RubyMotion for Rails Developers - Your Views Ha...
RubyMotion for Rails Developers - Your Views Have Come To Life Posted by FluffyJack on January 14, 2014 — 0 comments I've ...
Explaining RubyMotion views to Rails developers
Yesterday I put out an article explaining Apple's MVC pattern in a way Rails developers could understand, and it got a cra...
Ruby on Rails Guides: Active Record Validations...
Database constraints and/or stored procedures make the validation mechanisms database-dependent and can make testing and m...
@fpopenerp you raw tag is useless about-us woul...
Active Record Basics Rails Database Migrations Active Record Validations Active Record Callbacks Active Record Association...
Thanks @rubyfive for the Episode #428 talking a...
January 7th, 2014 Test Driving a JSON API in Rails, Jubilee for Vert.x, Exception#cause, Hulse, Caching an API January 3rd...

RubyMine 6 for component-based Ruby and Rails a...
I have previously written about how to use IntelliJ to set up multi-project support in RubyMine . I am happy to say that t...
"#415 Upgrading to Rails 4 - RailsCasts"
The first step is to ensure that we’re running the latest version of Rails 3.2 and that all the application’s gems are up ...
Explaining Apple’s MVC pattern to Rails Developers
Explaining Apple’s MVC pattern to Rails Developers Posted by FluffyJack on January 12, 2014 — 0 comments An explanation of...
Explaining Apple’s MVC pattern to Rails Developers
Explaining Apple’s MVC pattern to Rails Developers Posted by FluffyJack on January 12, 2014 — 0 comments An explanation of...
Rails Layout Gem
generates application layout files using Bootstrap or Foundation. My blog post on the Rails Layout Gem v1.0.1 release give...