Google Releases Official Google Publisher Plugi...
Google AdSense Support : Earn money by placing ads on your website. The plugin links your WordPress site to your AdSense a...
New Google Publisher Plugin for WordPress Lets ...
Many bloggers who use WordPress aren't necessarily as well versed in things such as how to create a specific page for Webm...
Google Unveils Publisher Plugin For Publishers ...
The Next Web reported that Google has come out with a WordPress plugin Here’s what Google says you can do with the plugin:...

Where's the Search?
Thirty years ago three little old ladies asked an exceedingly simply question about a hamburger. The premise of their coll...

Google Cuts Authorship in Search Results by 20-40%
At Pubcon Las Vegas in October, Google's Matt Cutts commented in his keynote that they would be tightening up authorship i...
Google, Bing Gain Search Share to End 2013
Google's search share was at near record levels in the U.S. in December, while Bing also continued its pattern of slowly g...
Google's Matt Cutts: We Don't Have Different Al...
Google's Matt Cutts released a video yesterday answering the question; does Google have algorithms for different positions...
EU Wants More Search Concessions, Google Defies...
Round and round she goes. The European Commission is seeking a final round of “concessions ” from Google in an 11th hour e...

Google's Chris DiBona On Search Ecosystem Diver...
It's hard to deny that some folks working at Google are geniuses. It's also hard to deny the disconnect in their messaging...
SearchCap: The Day In Search, January 16, 2014
Covario: Global PPC Click-Through Rates Hit New Highs, Spend Up 17 Percent YoY In Q4 Though the numbers vary, the Q4 repor...
ZK plugin for Grails 2.3.1 released:
Grails 2.0 Login Create Account Pivotal Home Learn Products & Services Groovy/Grails Tool Suite (IDE) Other Products Consu...

Google Image Search Adds Usage Rights To Search...
Now when you go to Google Image search, you will see an extra option under the search tools for “usage rights.” Searching ...
hoe version 3.8.0 has been released! | software...
hoe version 3.8.0 has been released! Published 2014-01-15 @ 18:10 Hoe is a rake/rubygems helper for project Rakefiles. It ...
Matt Cutts: Google Search Result Positions Aren...
When it comes to Google's search algorithm, there's still a lot of mystery and misconception about how exactly it works. I...

Google Images Makes it Easier to Search by Usag...
Google Images has made a great change to its search results. Users can now search for images with specific usage rates mor...