Will Link Building Soon Be A Thing Of The Past?
The other day while working on a client proposal, I came to the section about link building and had to pause. While everyt...

A Passive House is built on stilts
Passivhaus, or passive house design demands a lot of insulation, so at first it seems counter-intuitive to put a passivhau...
Many of us rang in the New Year committed to eating healthier in 2014. Today, we’re adding new recipe search features to m...

The Easy-Macro lens is one of the many successf...
The Easy-Macro Smartphone Lens Review January 18th, 2014 | Viewed 139 times The Easy-Macro lens is one of the many success...

What's the use of reading?: What's the use of a...
Some people say that reading is a form of escaping one's life. I hardly see it that way because I love my life. But what's...
Article Writing And Anchor Text
Bruce writes extensively about the importance of silos and its good info. You got it right, you can use a keyword in an ar...

Easy Hair Makeover with LIESE
Chinese New Year is around the corner and what are things we do in preparation for Chinese New Year?! Spring-cleaning.. Bu...
Keyword Rich Domain Names Improving Search Rank...
I am an SEO and frankly the above article isn’t too concerning to me. While some traffic comes from Bing, not a whole lot ...
SearchCap: The Day In Search, January 20, 2014
Matt Cutts: “Stick A Fork In It, Guest Blogging Is Done” Google and Matt Cutts, in particular, has made a number of statem...

Where's the Search?
Thirty years ago three little old ladies asked an exceedingly simply question about a hamburger. The premise of their coll...

Why can't we just use renewable energy straight...
Q. I’m confused about renewable energy storage. Last I checked, renewable energy was but a small fraction of total electri...

Google Cuts Authorship in Search Results by 20-40%
At Pubcon Las Vegas in October, Google's Matt Cutts commented in his keynote that they would be tightening up authorship i...

Blaze Is Getting Ready To Disrupt The Biking Wo...
Blaze Is Getting Ready To Disrupt The Biking World + They’re Doing It On Blaze.cc by Morgan on January 8, 2014 A startup b...

Built-in Coffee Table Lightbox
[Flyingpuppy] sent us this tip about her cleverly-concealed pull-out lightbox drawer . Her resolution for the new year was...
An NSA-proof Twitter, built with code from Bitc...
Miguel Freitas Photo: Enrico Marone When mass political protests erupted throughout Brazil in June, Miguel Freitas did wha...