26 Jan '14, 8am

itesttool (0.0.1): End-to-End Test tool for web api.

itesttool 0.0.1 End-to-End Test tool for web api. install gem install itesttool Download Documentation Badge Subscribe RSS Authors bati11 12 total downloads 12 for this version Owners Licenses MIT Gemfile gem "itesttool", "~> 0.0.1" Versions 0.0.1 January 26, 2014 (9 KB) Runtime Dependencies json = 1.8.1 jsonpath ~> 0.5.5 json-schema ~> 2.2 nokogiri ~> 1.6.1 rspec ~> 2.14 Development Dependencies bundler ~> 1.3 rake >= 0 sinatra ~> 1.4

Full article: http://rubygems.org/gems/itesttool


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