Every line of code is always documented
Always write commit messages as if you are explaining the change to a colleague sitting next to you who has no idea of wha...
Ruby, You Autocomplete Me
Ruby, You Autocomplete Me Posted by rossta on February 07, 2014 — 0 comments An exercise in extending autocompletion on th...

Thailand's Nok Air to order Boeing 737 MAX jets...
DUBAI/SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Thailand's Nok Airlines is close to placing an order for Boeing 737 jets (BA.N ), several peop...

Pumped that #RubyWeekly covered the @GiveGab bl...
Practicing Ruby Journal Goes Open Access; 68 Articles Now Available We’ve linked up some amazing articles from this journa...
@chrismou If you own the domain can you please ...
Already got a .co.uk? Click here to log into your account and pre-order your .uk domain. Why is the .uk ideal for you and ...
On Ruby:
As I studied Ruby over the past 2 years while working on the book, I’ve been surprised and intrigued by how much of Ruby’s...