A list of deprecated stuff in Ruby (as of 2.1)
A list of deprecated stuff in Ruby (as of 2.1) Posted by bozhidar on February 05, 2014 — 0 comments I wrote a short overvi...
Official Trak.io ruby gem
trakio-ruby 0.1.0 Official trak.io ruby library for Ruby install gem install trakio-ruby Download Documentation Badge Subs...
Medium's Ruby on Rails Collection
Medium's Ruby on Rails Collection Posted by rizwanreza on February 03, 2014 — 0 comments I've been seeing quite a lot...
The Rails Command Line — Ruby on Rails Guides F...
$ rails generate scaffold HighScore game:string score:integer invoke active_record create db/migrate/20120528060026_create...
Burlington Ruby Conference CFP is now open
Burlington Ruby Conference CFP is now open Posted by beerlington on February 03, 2014 — 0 comments We just opened our call...
ruby-lint (1.1.0): A linter and static code ana...
A linter and static code analysis tool for Ruby.
Build a CRUD iOS application in under an hour w...
Build a CRUD iOS application in under an hour with Ruby! Posted by FluffyJack on February 03, 2014 — 0 comments I've just ...
transfluent (1.0.0): Order human powered transl...
Order human powered translations directly from your Ruby code!

Pumped that #RubyWeekly covered the @GiveGab bl...
Practicing Ruby Journal Goes Open Access; 68 Articles Now Available We’ve linked up some amazing articles from this journa...
Investigating the State Ruby Api Developer Tooling
Investigating the State Ruby Api Developer Tooling Posted by danmayer on February 01, 2014 — 0 comments I wanted to improv...
Videos of #GCRC14 talks by @gautamrege @tdinkar...
Ruby uses a ‘stop the world’ garbage collector which brings things temporarily to a halt while garbage collection takes pl...