Ruby Programming Language 中文官方網頁:
RubyConf Taiwan 2011 Call For Sponsors RubyConf Taiwan 將於 2011/8/26 (週五) 和 8/27 (週六) 在中央研究院人科所會議廳舉辦,是台灣唯一及最大的 Ruby 程式語言大會,...

Little Jordan Says NO To Added Sugars!
more and more of our food and drinks are being laid with those unnecessary, added sugars . This happened because a lot of ...
Travis B writes: The slow death of the Yellow B...
Whilst I couldnt agree more I fear we have passed the point of no return. On point at Balham station two days ago, couple ...
Join the free #JRuby course starting 12 May her...
Hi! For full access to courses you'll need to take a minute to create a new account for yourself on this web site. Each of...
Sam Ruby: WunderWiki
WunderWiki Sat 18 Feb 2012 at 16:20 I added a simple wiki as a demo for WunderBar . It demonstrates shelling out to handin...
Regular exercise can improve memory and learnin...
LONDON - Exercising for up to an hour a day can improve memory and learning in children and the elderly, scientists have f...
Mouser unveils lighting center training site: E...
Electronic component distributor Mouser Electronics Inc . has launched a Product Knowledge Center (PKC) training site on i...
Ruby on Rails Guides: Getting Started with Rails
Rails is a web application development framework written in the Ruby language. It is designed to make programming web appl...
Ruby Best Practices - The Decorator Delegator D...
2009-06-27 16:00, written by Gregory Brown As promised, we’re back with more design discussion and hopefully some interest...
Barby 0.1 - Ruby barcode generator that doesn't...
This is something I released a while ago, but I thought I'd announce it here too, as I'm sure not everyone in the target g...

The Anderson Shelter: Ealing Broadway Bike Hub ...
Work on a new bicycle hub that will offer more secure, covered and well-lit cycle parking near Ealing Broadway station is ...
New recommended Ruby version: Ruby 1.9.3-p125 i...
New recommended Ruby version: Ruby 1.9.3-p125 is released Posted by DanielKehoe on February 16, 2012 — 0 comments Ruby 1.9...
Ruby 1.9.3-p125 をリリースした
a security fixes of the Ruby OpenSSL extension . And many bugs are fixed in this release.
Ruby 1.9.3-p125 and 1.8.7-p358 have been released
Security Fix for Ruby OpenSSL module: Allow "0/n splitting" as a prevention for the TLS BEAST attack. Denial of service at...
A Unix Shell in Ruby
Posted by jstorimer on February 16, 2012 — 0 comments I just published the first article in a series where I implement a U...