続・Rails 3.x 時代のテストフレームワーク - Rails 雑感 - Ruby on ...
先日の記事Rails 3.x 時代のテストフレームワーク で、私は「Railsのテストを取り巻く状況が複雑に拡散しつつある」と書き、デファクトスタンダードがまだ現れていないんじゃないか、ということを示唆しました。 その後、この件について他の人が...
Ruby on Rails Guides: Active Record Query Inter...
because of argument safety. Putting the variable directly into the conditions string will pass the variable to the databas...
RubyForge: Instant Rails: Project Info:
Instant Rails is a one-stop Rails runtime solution containing Ruby, Rails, Apache, and MySQL, all pre-configured and ready...
markdown-rails: Markdown for Rails views
markdown-rails: Markdown for Rails views Posted by joliss on February 23, 2012 — 0 comments Writing prose in HTML is icky....

Nuby on Rails | Ruby on Rails for Newbies
One skill that is important is being able to respond to change. I frequently think back to a quote I saw in a skateboardin...

We use a bizarre, convoluted mechanism for attaching ClassMethods and InstanceMethods modules to ActiveRecord::Base becaus...
Moving from beginner to intermediate Rails deve...
Moving from beginner to intermediate Rails development July 05, 2010 I believe that Rails is an excellent way to get start...

About This Blog: Memcached | Ruby on Rails for ...
I’ll add to this and say that every beginning Rails developer should write their own blog software. It’s a great learning ...
Ruby on Rails Guides: Getting Started with Rails
Rails is a web application development framework written in the Ruby language. It is designed to make programming web appl...
Prepare Your App for Rails 4 and Ruby 1.9
Well, it had to happen some day. Pour one out for our dearly beloved Ruby 1.8.7. And if you’re still using 1.8.7 for your ...
@CodeAcademy peeps - if you're looking to get s...
Everyday Rails is about using the Ruby on Rails web application framework to get stuff done as a web developer. Learn more...
Feedback needed for the Rails Engines Guide:
invoke active_record create db/migrate/[timestamp]_create_blorgh_posts.rb create app/models/blorgh/post.rb invoke test_uni...
@goonjja чувак, ты работаешь в NAUMEN и пишешь ...
In specific cases, it would make sense to set the locale from client-supplied information, i.e. not from the URL . This in...
These are the new guides for Rails 3.2 based on v3.2.1 . These guides are designed to make you immediately productive with...
Rails Engines and Monkey Patching
Rails Engines and Monkey Patching Posted by bcardarella on February 21, 2012 — 0 comments A pattern for extending Rails En...