See all the options at Web host @godaddy expand...
With a traditional dedicated server, the space available to you is limited by a physical piece of equipment. Run out of se...
Rails Dispatch | Presented by Engine Yard:
Next week, we’ll finish up generators by covering overriding default Rails generators like controller or scaffold. Next, w...
#GoDaddy Cloud Servers - New IaaS Cloud Hosting...
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. (May 1, 2012) - Go Daddy, the world's largest provider of Web hosting , domain names and new SSL Certifi...
Going to php|tek? Join us for the Engine Yard C...
Engine Yard Community JAUNT (Just Another Unforgettable Night on the Town) If you’re going to be around after php|tek on F...
5 Ways to Speed Up Your Rails App | Union Station:
Ruby is a fast language, and a great one in so many ways, but nothing in this world is truly free. It’s very easy to do th...
Ruby Forum - Italian Ruby user group:
Forum: Italian Ruby user group Forum List | New Topic | Search | Register | User List | Log In Page 1 >> Subject Author Re...

Pinning the Cloud: Pinterest, Cloud Computing a...
Pinterest, the online picture pinboard for organizing and sharing all of your favorite things on the web, is currently the...
Introducing Bloggy: A simple way to add a Jekyl...
The Rake task provided takes care of that for you but be sure to edit your title and add any other metadata you want inclu...

LG introduces the first real streaming multimed...
LG announced the beta opening of LG Cloud service on May 1 with the aim of providing seamless connectivity and streaming a...
Rails Dispatch | Presented by Engine Yard:
The entire attack vector neatly fits into a tweet, and could easily get even smaller if space was as a bigger premium. If ...

How to Profile Your Rails Application and Make ...
Charlie Savage, author of ruby-prof , recently baked in support for Rails to ruby-prof, so now it's possible to profile yo...
Ruby on Rails — Веб-разработка с удовольствием
«Ruby on Rails — это прорыв в снижении входного барьера в программировании. Мощные веб-приложения, которые раньше разрабат...
Ruby on Rails Guides: A Guide to Testing Rails ...
Testing support was woven into the Rails fabric from the beginning. It wasn’t an “oh! let’s bolt on support for running te...
Legacy Concerns in Rails
Legacy Concerns in Rails Posted by schneems on May 01, 2012 — 0 comments The cats out of the bag, Ruby isn’t immune to leg...
#HP #Cloud Engine Yard Expands Infrastructure O...
Engine Yard Expands Infrastructure Offerings with HP Cloud Services SAN FRANCISCO – May 10, 2012 – Engine Yard , the leadi...