Similar images detection in Ruby - Part 1 Posted by hubertlepicki on December 29, 2013 — 0 comments I just wrote a blog post about detecting similar images with Ruby (and Rails) and posted it to our company's blog. Comments Post a Comment Comment abilities for non registered users...
How to have a Devise remember_me option set to true by default Posted by mencio on December 29, 2013 — 0 comments Let's be honest, users don't want to authenticate each time they open an app. Obviously we can't do this for all applications due to security reasons, but there are some, ...
The Cucumber discussion forum has thousands of users. We have come up with a few guidelines to improve communication efficiency. It can often be difficult to keep up with all the great posts on this forum, but if you follow these guidelines you’re more likely to be heard and get a rep...
Refinements - deixa de ser experimental e pode ser aplicado dentro de um Module também Decimal Literals - assim como no 1.9 números complexos ganharam uma forma literal com Complex(3,4) == 3 + agora podemos fazer 0.3r para denotar um número racional Frozen String Literals - em re...
Ruby 2.1.0Alex Soulim Все почетатели Ruby получили отличный рождественский подарок в виде новой версии Ruby 2.1.0. Новая версия стала быстрее предыдущей и включает большое число изменений, которые, впрочем, не несут с собой больших проблем с совместимостью. Ссылки: официальный пресс-р...
GIANT ROBOTS SMASHING INTO OTHER GIANT ROBOTS Written by thoughtbot Convert Ruby 1.8 to 1.9 Hash Syntax Dan Croak February 11, 2012 ruby vim In vim, for an entire file: :%s/:\([^ ]*\)\(\s*\)=>/\1:/g In the shell, for an entire project: perl -pi -e 's/:([\w\d_]+)(\s*)=>/\1:/g' **/*.rb ...
> I need to plot data in real time, reading a file over and over and > update a the screen. How to implement reread and replot? Are you on Windows? Or, which OS? I do something similar as you want to do (on Windows): I write data coming from an ADC to Disk (using a c-programm), update...
Refinements - deixa de ser experimental e pode ser aplicado dentro de um Module também Decimal Literals - assim como no 1.9 números complexos ganharam uma forma literal com Complex(3,4) == 3 + agora podemos fazer 0.3r para denotar um número racional Faster Numbers - Integers de 1...
Recently I’ve been working on a small spike intended to help jumpstart our Rails application development in the Pivotal Labs Boulder office. Until Rails 3 was officially released, new projects used the Pivotal “rails-template” to help bootstrap development. The template is really just...
Brand Colors $hopbush #c69 $bouquet #b37399 $venus #998099 $patina #699 $nebula #d2e1dd $white #fff $dawn-pink #f2ece4 $wafer #e1d7d2 $iron #dadbdf $regent-grey #808c99 $pale-sky #6b717f $midnight-blue #036 Usage $color-shadow rgba($black, .125) $color-primary $hopbush $color-accent $...
List of locals passed to the document. Handy with partials. Example: erb "<%= foo %>", :locals => {:foo => "bar"} default_encoding String encoding to use if uncertain. Defaults to settings.default_encoding . views Views folder to load templates from. Defaults to settings.views . layou...
Creates a Cycle object whose to_s method cycles through elements of an array every time it is called. This can be used for example, to alternate classes for table rows. You can use named cycles to allow nesting in loops. Passing a Hash as the last parameter with a :name key will creat...
The Inflector transforms words from singular to plural, class names to table names, modularized class names to ones without, and class names to foreign keys. The default inflections for pluralization, singularization, and uncountable words are kept in inflections.rb. The Rails core te...
Luckily, there is! Ruby has fantastic tools that let you set up tests for your code that you can run automatically. You can save yourself tons of time and effort by letting the computer run thousands of tests every time you make a change to your code. And it’ll never get tired and acc...