Francesc Campoy Flores, a developer programs engineer for the Go language at Google, demonstrates how to build a web-app in Go, exposing a REST API for an AngularJS client.
Rubinius brings together LLVM-based JIT, native threads, low-pause generational garbage collector and great support for C extensions, but what happens when you take a production Rails 4 app and move it over?
Get to know some of the fundamentals of RubyMotion Posted by FluffyJack on January 08, 2014 — 0 comments As one of my subscribers pointed out, the shock for a rails developer trying to learn the RubyMotion (well iOS/OS X) MVC design patterns is, for some, immense. There is a lot of co...
is Mike Gunderloy's software development weblog, covering Ruby on Rails and whatever else I find interesting in the universe of software. I'm a full-time Rails developer and contributor, available for long- or short-term consulting, with solid experience in working as part of a distri...
feature_flags 0.1.0 launched Posted by pandurang on January 08, 2014 — 0 comments just launched new version of feature_flags rubygem. Its much more fast now. Here is blog post on it Comments Post a Comment Comment abilities for non registered users are currently deactivated, pendi...
The Amazing Power of NSCoding Posted by FluffyJack on January 08, 2014 — 0 comments If you're into RubyMotion, read this, learn the secret ways and amazing powers of the NSCoding protocol! Comments Post a Comment Comment ...
Jenkins CI with Rails projects Posted by vitobotta on January 08, 2014 — 0 comments I wrote a post on how to set up a Jenkins CI server on Ubuntu, for use with Rails projects. There are lots of cool commercial services that will do this for you with no hassle, but if you prefer settin...
Fight back UTF-8 Invalid Byte Sequences Joel Oliveira February 09, 2013 ruby testing Chances are, some of you have run into the issue with the invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 error when dealing with user-submitted data. A Google search shows that my hunch isn't off. Among the search re...
With out the continued support of the companies below the Los Angeles Ruby Conference would not be the quality it is today. Take a moment and visit each of their sites, see what they have to offer, or if they could be the place you land your next gig! By becoming a sponsor of the Los ...
Whether an error in the Sass code should cause Sass to provide a detailed description within the generated CSS file. If set to true, the error will be displayed along with a line number and source snippet both as a comment in the CSS file and at the top of the page (in supported brows...
InfluxDB – An open source time series, metrics, and analytics database Watch live streaming video from pivotallabs at In this talk I’ll introduce InfluxDB, a distributed time series database we open sourced based on our backend infrastructure at Errplane. I’ll talk abou...
Database constraints and/or stored procedures make the validation mechanisms database-dependent and can make testing and maintenance more difficult. However, if your database is used by other applications, it may be a good idea to use some constraints at the database level. Additional...
Our COO, Edward Hieatt, was recently interviewed on the topic of pair programming, and why it is such a critical component of our software development process here. You can find the interview at , along with numerous quotes from current and for...
Foreman as process manager, Pow as DNS server and HTTP proxy Dan Croak January 09, 2013 unix http Web app development/production parity can be improved by defining process types in a manifest named Procfile such as this one for a Rails app: web: bundle exec rails server thin -p $PORT ...
To find the current layout, Rails first looks for a file in app/views/layouts with the same base name as the controller. For example, rendering actions from the PhotosController class will use app/views/layouts/photos.html.erb (or app/views/layouts/photos.builder ). If there is no suc...
January 7th, 2014 Test Driving a JSON API in Rails, Jubilee for Vert.x, Exception#cause, Hulse, Caching an API January 3rd, 2014 Writing a Ruby compiler, the Omega universe simulator, RubyGems 2.2.0, debugging with HTTP clients, detecting similarities in images, and the Lotus web fram...
require 'spec_helper' describe 'トップページ' do specify '挨拶文を表示' do visit root_path expect(page).to have_css('p', text: 'Hello World!') end end
Grails 2.0 Login Create Account Pivotal Home Learn Products & Services Groovy/Grails Tool Suite (IDE) Other Products Consulting Training About SpringSource Community Downloads Plugins Facebook connect Twitter connect Log in Login or Email (forgot login) Password (forgot password) Crea...
Last weekend I had the opportunity to speak at RubyConf 2012 about a topic that is very exciting to me: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). CORS allows for true cross-domain AJAX in the browser which, while simple in concept, is powerful in potential. The fine people at Confreaks re...