A “FREE” Online Course: Build your own web-appl...
Build your own web-application framework with Ruby R egistrations are now open for RubyLearning’s “Pay if you like “, onli...
A “FREE” Online Course: Programming the Web wit...
egistrations are now open for RubyLearning’s “Pay if you like “, online course on “Programming the Web with Ruby “. The fi...
Develop Android Apps with Ruby
Hi Alina, this is a jruby users group. JRuby <http://jruby.org/> is not java, its Ruby (a different programming language) ...

New Post: Marathon Discount and IDEA Discount
oooh hike! I’m jonsin’ for a good hike! Maybe next weekend. I’m currently recovering from a little high school reunion get...
Ruby From Other Languages:
When you first look at some Ruby code, it will likely remind you of other programming languages you’ve used. This is on pu...
A “Free” online course on Sinatra – 12th batch
A “Free” online course on Sinatra – 12th batch R ubyLearning announces the twelfth batch of its “Free” online “Sinatra ” c...
Semantic Versioning after Ruby 2.1.0
Semantic Versioning after Ruby 2.1.0 We’ve decided to move to a Semantic Versioning -type policy after the release of Ruby...
ふむふむ / “Ruby 2.1.0 以降のセマンティックバージョニングについて”
Introducing a semantic versioning scheme and branching policy