Installing Windows the Right Way
A residential building construction standard requiring very low levels of air leakage, very high levels of insulation, and...

Ohio Police Look the Other Way After Wildlife O...
An investigation conducted by the Ohio Inspector General’s Office revealed 18 wildlife officers were sport hunting white t...
also, I wrote a blog post about Bitcoin (and Do...
Disclaimer: I own a tiny quantity of Bitcoin. This is not investment advice. I do not have the power to see the future bef...

In case you miss this this morning: Why Native ...
Giving the browser on the platform the same capabilities to control the inherent features of the mobile device: This is pr...
Innie Windows or Outie Windows? When walls have...
Anyways - this was very convincing to me and I made it policy for us to only build inset windows anymore. With that in min...
nice article from @thoughtbot on Evaluating Alt...
Evaluating Alternative Decorator Implementations In Ruby Dan Croak December 26, 2011 design patterns ruby Recently, decora...
Replot in ruby gnuplot - Ruby Forum
> I need to plot data in real time, reading a file over and over and > update a the screen. How to implement reread and re...
Similar images detection in Ruby - Part 1
Similar images detection in Ruby - Part 1 Posted by hubertlepicki on December 29, 2013 — 0 comments I just wrote a blog po...
Woman presented with late dad's #WWII medals fo...
Related More news and information for veterans Purple Heart Public domain Until two weeks ago, Rita Dudczak of Lackawanna,...
Bitcoin a Bit Useful - Guardian Express
Reporting and editorials fall on both sides of the debate surrounding the Bitcoin, the virtual currency based on a peer-to...