20 Jan '14, 1pm

Brewfile: a Gemfile, but for Homebrew

Brewfile: a Gemfile, but for Homebrew Gabe Berke-Williams January 20, 2014 osx Bundler users define dependencies for Ruby applications in a Gemfile and install those dependencies by running bundle install. Homebrew users can define dependencies for their OS X operating system with a Brewfile and install those dependencies by running brew bundle . Let's write a basic Brewfile : # Brewfile install openssl # a comment link --force openssl Note that Homebrew will treat lines that start with # as comments. Every other line will be passed to brew . So this: install openssl # a comment link -f openssl is run as these commands: brew install openssl brew link --force openssl Usage I can think of a few places where a Brewfile would be welcome: In dotfiles, either yours or your company's. For example, we use it in our excellent dotfiles repo . A setup script for your app (bundle inst...

Full article: http://robots.thoughtbot.com/brewfile-a-gemfile-but-for-h...


Starting and Stopping Background Services with ...

robots.thoughtbot.com 21 Jan '14, 2pm

Starting and Stopping Background Services with Homebrew Gabe Berke-Williams January 21, 2014 osx I love Homebrew , but som...

Shrinket, The Homebrew Trinket

hackaday.com 26 Jan '14, 6pm

We’ve seen a lot of Trinket builds over the past few months, but so far few people have capitalized on the Trinket’s minim...