@amyhoy rake assets:clean – Rails got you cover...
$ rails generate scaffold HighScore game:string score:integer invoke active_record create db/migrate/20130717151933_create...

Routing Basics: Ruby on Rails for Front-End Dev...
Routing Basics: Ruby on Rails for Front-End Developers This guest post is by Miles Matthias , who in between trips and sip...
Looking for the Rails 3.2 edition of Everyday R...
Looking for the Rails 3.2 edition of Everyday Rails Testing with RSpec? January 25, 2014 I’ve had a few requests for the R...
rails_exception_handler_admin (0.1.0): Rails Ex...
Rails Exception Handler Admin interface built on rails scaffolding with a twitter bootstrap theme.
Someone who knows Rails' guts, please confirm t...
Add a prepare callback. Prepare callbacks are run before each request, prior to ActionDispatch::Callback’s before callback...

The Performance Marketer’s Field Guide to AdWor...
Ad extensions are a way to give potential customers useful and relevant info beyond a regular text ad. You can win a custo...