Awesome free Ruby Tapas with @avdi! A great exa...
A great example of outside-in testing from Ruby Tapas January 15, 2014 Update: Avdi has generously made the Outside-In epi...
Looking for the Rails 3.2 edition of Everyday R...
Looking for the Rails 3.2 edition of Everyday Rails Testing with RSpec? January 25, 2014 I’ve had a few requests for the R...
A great example of outside-in testing from Ruby...
A great example of outside-in testing from Ruby Tapas January 15, 2014 Once you know the basic mechanics of testing, how d...
@amyhoy rake assets:clean – Rails got you cover...
$ rails generate scaffold HighScore game:string score:integer invoke active_record create db/migrate/20130717151933_create...

Routing Basics: Ruby on Rails for Front-End Dev...
Routing Basics: Ruby on Rails for Front-End Developers This guest post is by Miles Matthias , who in between trips and sip...
DIY: Do it yourself urbanism on @MonocleBrief. ...
DIY: From the one big project that transforms your life to the 100 little things you should do in a day, how do you build ...
Abril Pro Ruby 2014, The Tropical Ruby Conference
Abril Pro Ruby 2014, The Tropical Ruby Conference Abril Pro Ruby 2014 , the third edition of the Tropical Ruby Conference,...
BitMobile outside the #BTCmiami conference
To bring you Twitter, we and our partners use cookies on our and other websites. Cookies help personalize Twitter content,...
rails_exception_handler_admin (0.1.0): Rails Ex...
Rails Exception Handler Admin interface built on rails scaffolding with a twitter bootstrap theme.
About a/b testing
Welcome to SEOChat, a community dedicated to helping beginners and professionals alike in improving their Search Engine Op...
Rails Testing Antipatterns: Models
Rails Testing Antipatterns: Models Posted by markoa on January 21, 2014 — 0 comments The biggest issues with model tests a...
AngularJS templates and Ruby on Rails assets pi...
AngularJS templates and Ruby on Rails assets pipeline Posted by hubertlepicki on January 21, 2014 — 1 comment I just publi...