beer.db Now Includes Web Admin Rails Engine - m...
beer.db Now Includes Web Admin Rails Engine - mount BeerDbAdmin::Engine Posted by geraldbauer on January 25, 2014 — 0 comm...
Looking for the Rails 3.2 edition of Everyday R...
Looking for the Rails 3.2 edition of Everyday Rails Testing with RSpec? January 25, 2014 I’ve had a few requests for the R...
goodyear (0.1.0): ActiveRecord-like query inter...
goodyear 0.1.0 ActiveRecord-like query interface for tire install gem install goodyear Download Documentation Badge Subscr...
designmodo-flatuipro-rails ( de...
designmodo-flatuipro-rails integrates Flat UI Pro for Rails 3 and 4 Asset Pipelines
hierapolis-rails (1.0.0): This gem using to in...
This gem using to integrate hierapolis theme on rails project.
@amyhoy rake assets:clean – Rails got you cover...
$ rails generate scaffold HighScore game:string score:integer invoke active_record create db/migrate/20130717151933_create...
codemirror-rails (3.17): This gem provides Code...
This gem provides CodeMirror assets for your Rails 3 application.
Phrasing on Open Source Rails via @opensourcerails
Phrasing is an inline live content editing gem that can be installed to any Rails application so anyone can manage content...
#Intridea's @Yorzi illustrates how to build a s...
There’s a rumor going around that Rails isn’t as sexy as it once was; that Javascript is the next world power and Single P...
Access Control & Permissions in Rails - Pivotal...
Access Control is a simple idea. We want company employees to be able to delete inappropriate content; but random Users ca...
owlcarousel-rails ( Owl Carousel. Touc...
Owl Carousel. Touch enabled jQuery plugin that lets you create beautiful responsive carousel slider.
@sanjay see to set the foreign keys so ...
is a connection between two Active Record models. Associations are implemented using macro-style calls, so that you can de...
U is for User Interface
You can find out about all the publicly available Grails plugins.
listjs-rails (1.0.2): List.js automated install...
listjs-rails 1.0.2 List.js automated install for Rails 3.1+ install gem install listjs-rails Download Documentation Badge ...
Rails Testing Antipatterns: Models
Rails Testing Antipatterns: Models Posted by markoa on January 21, 2014 — 0 comments The biggest issues with model tests a...