26 Jan '14, 5am

rails_exception_handler_admin (0.1.0): Rails Exception Handler Admin interface built on rails scaffo…

Rails Exception Handler Admin interface built on rails scaffolding with a twitter bootstrap theme.

Full article: http://rubygems.org/gems/rails_exception_handler_admin


beer.db Now Includes Web Admin Rails Engine - m...

rubyflow.com 25 Jan '14, 5pm

beer.db Now Includes Web Admin Rails Engine - mount BeerDbAdmin::Engine Posted by geraldbauer on January 25, 2014 — 0 comm...

Looking for the Rails 3.2 edition of Everyday R...

everydayrails.com 25 Jan '14, 3pm

Looking for the Rails 3.2 edition of Everyday Rails Testing with RSpec? January 25, 2014 I’ve had a few requests for the R...

goodyear (0.1.0): ActiveRecord-like query inter...

rubygems.org 25 Jan '14, 8pm

goodyear 0.1.0 ActiveRecord-like query interface for tire install gem install goodyear Download Documentation Badge Subscr...

designmodo-flatuipro-rails ( de...

rubygems.org 26 Jan '14, 7am

designmodo-flatuipro-rails integrates Flat UI Pro for Rails 3 and 4 Asset Pipelines

hierapolis-rails (1.0.0): This gem using to  in...

rubygems.org 27 Jan '14, 8am

This gem using to  integrate hierapolis theme  on rails project.

@amyhoy rake assets:clean – Rails got you cover...

edgeguides.rubyonrails.org 24 Jan '14, 3pm

$ rails generate scaffold HighScore game:string score:integer invoke active_record create db/migrate/20130717151933_create...

codemirror-rails (3.17): This gem provides Code...

rubygems.org 26 Jan '14, 7pm

This gem provides CodeMirror assets for your Rails 3 application.

Phrasing on Open Source Rails via @opensourcerails

Phrasing on Open Source Rails via @opensourcerails

opensourcerails.com 27 Jan '14, 9am

Phrasing is an inline live content editing gem that can be installed to any Rails application so anyone can manage content...

#Intridea's @Yorzi illustrates how to build a successful SNS site purely in Rails4.

#Intridea's @Yorzi illustrates how to build a s...

intridea.com 23 Jan '14, 3pm

There’s a rumor going around that Rails isn’t as sexy as it once was; that Javascript is the next world power and Single P...

Access Control & Permissions in Rails - Pivotal...

pivotallabs.com 16 Jan '14, 5pm

Access Control is a simple idea. We want company employees to be able to delete inappropriate content; but random Users ca...

owlcarousel-rails ( Owl Carousel. Touc...

rubygems.org 26 Jan '14, 6am

Owl Carousel. Touch enabled jQuery plugin that lets you create beautiful responsive carousel slider.

@sanjay see to set the foreign keys so ...

guides.rubyonrails.org 23 Jan '14, 9pm

is a connection between two Active Record models. Associations are implemented using macro-style calls, so that you can de...

U is for User Interface

grails.org 26 Jan '14, 1am

You can find out about all the publicly available Grails plugins.

listjs-rails (1.0.2): List.js automated install...

rubygems.org 22 Jan '14, 11pm

listjs-rails 1.0.2 List.js automated install for Rails 3.1+ install gem install listjs-rails Download Documentation Badge ...

Rails Testing Antipatterns: Models

rubyflow.com 21 Jan '14, 12pm

Rails Testing Antipatterns: Models Posted by markoa on January 21, 2014 — 0 comments The biggest issues with model tests a...