Prevent email havesting in rails using the mail...
<%= button_to "New", action: "new" %> # => "<form method="post" action="/controller/new" class="button_to"> # <div><input ...
@oujiro_coffee 多少面倒でもいいならここの最初のやつを
% mkdir ~/src % cd ~/src % wget % tar xzf ruby-2.0.0-p195.tar...
From HN: Ruby Gem: Convert a Ruby Hash to an XM...
No big deal. A small addition to the Ruby Hash Class, allowing a to_xml method.
On Ruby:
As I studied Ruby over the past 2 years while working on the book, I’ve been surprised and intrigued by how much of Ruby’s...
The Rails Command Line — Ruby on Rails Guides F...
$ rails generate scaffold HighScore game:string score:integer invoke active_record create db/migrate/20120528060026_create...

One of this occasion was propelled by a makeup event hosted by COLLECTION Cosmetics from the UK. As one of UK’s leading co...
Nested Resources and making RESTful paths for t...
Active Record Basics Rails Database Migrations Active Record Validations Active Record Callbacks Active Record Association...
Arduino is Rails for Hardware Hacking via @pivo...
Just as Rails did for web development, the Arduino project combines powerful layers of abstraction with sensible defaults,...
Безопасный Rails код в миграциях
Безопасный Rails код в миграцияхAndrey Koleshko Доводилось ли вам когда-либо заполнять данными базу в миграциях, когда про...
Ruby, You Autocomplete Me
Ruby, You Autocomplete Me Posted by rossta on February 07, 2014 — 0 comments An exercise in extending autocompletion on th...
I'll admit it. I've been using Rails for years ...
method does the heavy lifting of rendering your application's content for use by a browser. There are a variety of ways to...

Routing Basics: Ruby on Rails for Front-End Dev...
Routing Basics: Ruby on Rails for Front-End Developers This guest post is by Miles Matthias , who in between trips and sip...

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Structured Pleated Waist Dress (Peach Pink) Size S = PTP: 15 to 16.5 inches | Waist: 13 inches | Length: 33 inches - Fits ...
Routing Basics: Ruby on Rails for Front-End Dev...
Routing Basics: Ruby on Rails for Front-End Developers Posted by IndianGuru on January 29, 2014 — 0 comments Miles Matthia...