PostgreSQL awesomeness for Rails developers
PostgreSQL awesomeness for Rails developers Posted by hubertlepicki on February 04, 2014 — 0 comments I just posted a bit ...
Prevent email havesting in rails using the mail...
<%= button_to "New", action: "new" %> # => "<form method="post" action="/controller/new" class="button_to"> # <div><input ...

Back to Basics: HTTP Requests in Rails Apps
Request bodies are defined by a form's markup. In the form tag there is an attribute called enctype , this attribute tells...

Hive's Bitcoin Wallet is out of Beta for OS X U...
Hive , which develops bitcoin wallet software, has come out of beta. The company recently released a stable version of its...

New Venture for Sedo Co-Founders Tim Schumacher...
Tim Schumacher and Ulrich Essman , two of the four college friends who founded Sedo back in 2001, have gotten involved in ...
Back to Basics: HTTP Requests in Rails Apps
Back to Basics: HTTP Requests in Rails Apps Posted by croaky on February 06, 2014 — 0 comments This article breaks down an...
swagger-docs (0.1.0): Generates json files for ...
Generates json files for rails apps to use with swagger-ui

Routing Basics: Ruby on Rails for Front-End Dev...
Routing Basics: Ruby on Rails for Front-End Developers This guest post is by Miles Matthias , who in between trips and sip...

Pumped that #RubyWeekly covered the @GiveGab bl...
Practicing Ruby Journal Goes Open Access; 68 Articles Now Available We’ve linked up some amazing articles from this journa...
The Rails Command Line — Ruby on Rails Guides F...
$ rails generate scaffold HighScore game:string score:integer invoke active_record create db/migrate/20120528060026_create...
EFF Challenges New Jersey Subpoena Issued to MI...
As the popularity of Bitcoins has increased, government officials are concerned about criminal activity associated with th...
Build an OS X app in Ruby: Part 3
Build an OS X app in Ruby: Part 3 Posted by FluffyJack on February 10, 2014 — 0 comments In parts one and two we got our a...
Thoughts On Web Developers, SEO & Reputation Pr...
Very thoughtful, well-structured article and comments. Thank you for writing and sharing your perspective. I agree with yo...

Malaysian Android developers can start moneytis...
Malaysian Android App developers can start reeling in the big bucks as Google Malaysia has announced that Google Play Stor...