20 Feb '12, 7pm

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#anka_foster TVotingUrlKaiserPerm /A .NET Ruby,...

ironruby.net 20 Feb '12, 7pm

IronRuby is an excellent addition to the .NET Framework, providing Ruby developers with the power of the .NET framework. E...

Microsoft Snipes (Only) at Google Over Browser Settings Circumvention Controversy

Microsoft Snipes (Only) at Google Over Browser ...

searchenginewatch.com 21 Feb '12, 4pm

Microsoft released a blog post Monday condemning Google in light of the controversy over their circumvention of Safari use...

Microsoft Create Private Internet to Test Browser Speed #Technology

Microsoft Create Private Internet to Test Brows...

mhisham.org 20 Feb '12, 12am

Loading content – Navigating from one page to another is still the most common activity inside a web browser. Loading web ...

Ruby Programming Language 中文官方網頁:

ruby-lang.org 21 Feb '12, 2am

RubyConf Taiwan 2011 Call For Sponsors RubyConf Taiwan 將於 2011/8/26 (週五) 和 8/27 (週六) 在中央研究院人科所會議廳舉辦,是台灣唯一及最大的 Ruby 程式語言大會,...

The Trouble with Tribbles: Beyond Google’s Cookiegate Browser Settings Hype

The Trouble with Tribbles: Beyond Google’s Cook...

searchenginewatch.com 21 Feb '12, 9pm

Google found themselves in the center of another PR quagmire this week, when the WSJ reported they’d been caught circumven...

About This Blog: Memcached | Ruby on Rails for Newbies:

About This Blog: Memcached | Ruby on Rails for ...

nubyonrails.com 22 Feb '12, 1am

I’ll add to this and say that every beginning Rails developer should write their own blog software. It’s a great learning ...

Ruby Summary: Ruby Study Notes - Best Ruby Guid...

rubylearning.com 26 Feb '12, 4pm

Ruby Modules are similar to classes in that they hold a collection of methods, constants, and other module and class defin...

An alternative to Selenium for Ruby: "Mechanize"

mechanize.rubyforge.org 22 Feb '12, 8pm

mechanize.rubyforge.org github.com/tenderlove/mechanize DESCRIPTION The Mechanize library is used for automating interacti...

Ruby on Rails Guides: Getting Started with Rails

guides.rubyonrails.org 19 Feb '12, 6pm

Rails is a web application development framework written in the Ruby language. It is designed to make programming web appl...

Ruby Best Practices - The Decorator Delegator D...

blog.rubybestpractices.com 19 Feb '12, 6pm

2009-06-27 16:00, written by Gregory Brown As promised, we’re back with more design discussion and hopefully some interest...

Barby 0.1 - Ruby barcode generator that doesn't...

ruby-forum.com 18 Feb '12, 9pm

This is something I released a while ago, but I thought I'd announce it here too, as I'm sure not everyone in the target g...

New recommended Ruby version: Ruby 1.9.3-p125 i...

rubyflow.com 16 Feb '12, 10pm

New recommended Ruby version: Ruby 1.9.3-p125 is released Posted by DanielKehoe on February 16, 2012 — 0 comments Ruby 1.9...

Ruby 1.9.3-p125 をリリースした

ruby-lang.org 16 Feb '12, 12pm

a security fixes of the Ruby OpenSSL extension . And many bugs are fixed in this release.

Ruby 1.9.3-p125 and 1.8.7-p358 have been released

ruby-lang.org 16 Feb '12, 12pm

Security Fix for Ruby OpenSSL module: Allow "0/n splitting" as a prevention for the TLS BEAST attack. Denial of service at...

A Unix Shell in Ruby

rubyflow.com 16 Feb '12, 12pm

Posted by jstorimer on February 16, 2012 — 0 comments I just published the first article in a series where I implement a U...