21 Feb '12, 2am

DaveThomasに関する予習1。RubyKaigi 2007のキーノートのレポート

DaveThomasに関する予習1。RubyKaigi 2007のキーノートのレポート

Dave Thomas is a writer, trainer, and primarily a programmer. He's the author of 7 books, including The Pragmatic Programmer (with his partner Andy Hunt), Programming Ruby, and Agile Web Development with Rails. He first started using Ruby in 1998. He's the author of RDoc, and contributed most of the documentation for the built-in Ruby classes and libraries. After all this time, Ruby still makes him happy.

Full article: http://jp.rubyist.net/RubyKaigi2007/Log0610-S5.html


Ruby Programming Language 中文官方網頁:

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