Run an executable that comes with a gem in your bundle $ bundle exec rspec spec/models In some cases, running executables ...
Ruby Version Manager + Rails Bundler = Magic
RVM lets you deploy each project with its own completely self-contained and dedicated environment--from the specific versi...

RVM: Ruby Version Manager - Using Cron with RVM
$ rvm help # Documentation Index Documentation > Integration > Cron Using RVM with Cron RVM allows few easy ways to integr...

Be Prepared for Ruby 1.9.3 and 1.9.4: What’s Ne...
Ruby 1.9.2 essentially fixed down the language design for 1.9; 1.9.3 is just a 'better implementation' Ruby 1.8 has "no fu...
How to add a instance variable through a mixin?...
On 2/12/08, [email protected] <[email protected]> wrote: > end > object of MyClass. You don't really add ins...
Sam Ruby: Hearing Aid
Hearing Aid Sat 25 Feb 2012 at 12:34 I now have an open fit hearing aid device for my left ear. That ear has experienced t...
Venir à Ruby après un autre langage:
Le présent document se partage en deux grandes sections. En premier lieu, une revue rapide de ce à quoi vous pouvez vous a...
Practicing Ruby - The Double Dispatch Dance:
Eric Wong 's Posts ( feed ) USP: Unix processes and their attributes Today Eric presents various bits of information that ...

Nuby on Rails | Ruby on Rails for Newbies
One skill that is important is being able to respond to change. I frequently think back to a quote I saw in a skateboardin...
A self-contained installer that includes the Ruby language, several popular extensions, an HTML Help based API reference, ...
On Ruby: Real World Performance Profiling:
It looks like my post on Ruby 1.9.0 performance is drawing some criticism over on on reddit . I already updated the origin...
Feedback needed for the Rails Engines Guide:
invoke active_record create db/migrate/[timestamp]_create_blorgh_posts.rb create app/models/blorgh/post.rb invoke test_uni...
Ruby Programming Language 中文官方網頁:
RubyConf Taiwan 2011 Call For Sponsors RubyConf Taiwan 將於 2011/8/26 (週五) 和 8/27 (週六) 在中央研究院人科所會議廳舉辦,是台灣唯一及最大的 Ruby 程式語言大會,...
Upcoming Ruby Programming Competitions with Mat...
Upcoming Ruby Programming Competitions with Matz - Grand Prize - 1,000,000 JPY! Dear Ruby Enthusiasts: The Government of F...
A Unix Shell in Ruby - Part 2
Posted by jstorimer on February 21, 2012 — 0 comments I just published the second article in a series where I implement a ...