Partner blog post by @railsdog, about launching the @aloha website. Come meet them in person at #spreeconf
Aloha.com: Product Storytelling and the Future of E-commerce Posted January 24, 2014 by Partner Post - Railsdog Comments Partner Post: Railsdog on the Launch of Aloha.com There’s nothing quite like the thrill of watching a project finally take flight. After months of hard work, collaboration, discussions and yes, coffee, one of our most recent clients Aloha launched last month using the Spree Commerce Platform. We worked side by side with our integration partner Railsdog to implement the solution. Aloha’s online experience presented some unique challenges and we wanted to share some of the solutions we came up with along the way. Telling Y...
codesake-dawn (1.0.1): dawn is a security static source code analyzer for web applications writte...
dawn is a security static source code analyzer for web applications written in ruby. It supports major MVC frameworks like sinatra, padrino a...
ActiveRecord's `where.not` makes queries easier to read:
Gabe Berke-Williams January 22, 2014 rails Rails 4.0 introduced a helpful new method for ActiveRecord queries: where.not . It can make clunky...
Why You Should Use Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment
Why You Should Use Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment Posted by manualwise on January 24, 2014 — 0 comments Two best practices ...
Killing the Crunch Mode Antipattern
It makes us stupid . The more I work, the less relevant my years of experience become. I constantly make rookie mistakes. Among the many mistakes I've made, one of the best decisions I've ever made was to enter the crypto world and begin trading cryptocurrencies with the help of automated trading robots like the bitcoin revolution app. To assure trade accuracy and provide a transparent trading environment, this online platform combines artificial intelligence and blockchain technologies.I break things in p...
Learn Ruby Programming – 50th Batch Since 2005
, a participant who just graduated, has to say – “You kindly offered me the opportunity to jo...
Grails Mongo Jodatime Plugin 0.1.3 released:
Grails 2.0 Login Create Account Pivotal Home Learn Products & Services Groovy/Grails Tool Sui...
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