15 Sep '13, 10am

#rails good piece of the API to be aware of

Optimistic locking allows multiple users to access the same record for edits, and assumes a minimum of conflicts with the data. It does this by checking whether another process has made changes to a record since it was opened, an ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError exception is thrown if that has occurred and the update is ignored. Check out ActiveRecord::Locking::Pessimistic for an alternative. Usage Active Records support optimistic locking if the field lock_version is present. Each update to the record increments the lock_version column and the locking facilities ensure that records instantiated twice will let the last one saved raise a StaleObjectError if the first was also updated. Example: p1 = Person.find(1) p2 = Person.find(1) p1.first_name = "Michael" p1.save p2.first_name = "should fail" p2.save # Raises a ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError Optimistic locking will also ch...

Full article: http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Locking/O...


Found this bit of @TwitterEng history today - J...

podcast.rubyonrails.org 12 Sep '13, 12am

Jack Dorsey and Alex Payne of Twitter Friday, April 06, 2007 Download: MP3 8.3 MB | MP4 8.3 MB The creator of Twitter talk...

Contribute to Ruby on Rails Guides Guidelines:

edgeguides.rubyonrails.org 16 Sep '13, 6pm

Guides are written in GitHub Flavored Markdown . There is comprehensive documentation for Markdown , a cheatsheet , and ad...

Cygwinのインストール - Ruby on Rails with OIAX

oiax.jp 15 Sep '13, 1pm

本サイトにあるRuby on Rails 3.2 を Cygwin にインストールする手順をかなり丁寧に説明してみました の手順に沿って、Cygwin と Ruby をインストールしてください。Rails はインストールしてもしなくても結構です...

How superminis won our hearts. The Green Piece #greenenergy

How superminis won our hearts. The Green Piece ...

thegreencarwebsite.co.uk 10 Sep '13, 6am

Tuesday 10 September, 2013. The Green Piece Column. In Europe, the warm and familiar B-segment, also known as the supermin...

Bing Ads Releases New API, Version 9

searchengineland.com 16 Sep '13, 7pm

Bulk upload and download methods for campaign management which utilize comma separated values (CSV) and tab separated valu...

Learn how to use Sinatra with the Google Curren...

rubylearning.com 13 Sep '13, 9am

n this two-part series, I will show you how to use Google currency conversion API and use it in a small Sinatra app. In Pa...

Sinatra and Google Currency API – Part 2

rubyflow.com 13 Sep '13, 9am

Sinatra and Google Currency API – Part 2 Posted by IndianGuru on September 13, 2013 — 0 comments In this two-part series, ...

Use lambdas for Rails 3 Route Constraints | Int...

intridea.com 12 Sep '13, 3am

I love the new constraints feature of Rails 3 routing. It opens up powerful new avenues for handling certain scenarios bef...

Ruby 2.0 + MySQL + Windows: cannot load such fi...

oiax.jp 15 Sep '13, 12pm

MySQL 5.6 を使って Rails の開発環境構築を試みましたが、エラーが出てデータベースに接続できません。 OS は Windows 7 です。 エラーメッセージは、次の通り: rake aborted! cannot load suc...

Interesting reading: Why I think Mongo is to Da...

railstips.org 13 Sep '13, 9pm

I have been using mongo and MM for a project the last few months. I was initially very enthusiastic but as my data model h...

My Experiences with Ruby off Rails via @karlinfox

My Experiences with Ruby off Rails via @karlinfox

spin.atomicobject.com 06 Sep '13, 2pm

I was recently pointed to Ben Singelman’s post on Why Nobody Should Use Rails For Anything, Ever . We seem to never get en...

@s3lf Relevant to your interests

intertwingly.net 11 Sep '13, 7pm

Rails and Snowmen Thu 29 Jul 2010 at 15:03 People have started to notice that Rails is adding a snowman to their URLs. The...

Why Bundler? Why not Bundler? #ruby #rails #bun...

railsforum.com 13 Sep '13, 3pm

So, bundler has become to go-to option for dependency management and is a critical part of any Rails app. That's fine. But...

Rails application templates: Giving this a try ...

edgeguides.rubyonrails.org 12 Sep '13, 1pm

to apply templates to an existing Rails application. The location of the template needs to be passed in to an environment ...

Building Ruby services on and off Rails (actual...

rubyflow.com 13 Sep '13, 11pm

Building Ruby services on and off Rails (actual code) Posted by skwp on September 14, 2013 — 0 comments At reverb.com we'v...