25 Jan '14, 4am

Wanted to understand ActiveRecord Reflection? Have a look to api doc #rails #rubyonrails #delhidev #delhiruby

Reflection enables to interrogate Active Record classes and objects about their associations and aggregations. This information can, for example, be used in a form builder that takes an Active Record object and creates input fields for all of the attributes depending on their type and displays the associations to other objects. MacroReflection class has info for AggregateReflection and AssociationReflection classes.

Full article: http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Reflectio...


ActiveRecord's `where.not` makes queries easier...

robots.thoughtbot.com 24 Jan '14, 7pm

Gabe Berke-Williams January 22, 2014 rails Rails 4.0 introduced a helpful new method for ActiveRecord queries: where.not ....

globalize (3.1.0): Rails I18n de-facto standard...

rubygems.org 25 Jan '14, 1pm

Rails I18n de-facto standard library for ActiveRecord model/data translation.

Nike Kobe 8 Prelude “Reflection” New Images

kicksonfire.com 24 Jan '14, 4pm

Nike Kobe 8 Prelude “Reflection” hits shelves this weekend and aside from the shoes shimmering accents this model is liter...

activerecord-oracle_enhanced-adapter (1.5.2): O...

rubygems.org 25 Jan '14, 12am

Oracle "enhanced" ActiveRecord adapter contains useful additional methods for working with new and legacy Oracle databases...