Love the new @engineyard support customer satis...
How Are We Doing? Every day is an opportunity to delight our customers. We conduct a survey after every single support tic...

How Much Did You Say That Was?
Saturday, February 18, 2012 How Much Did You Say That Was? Labels: advertising , shops posted by Eugene Salomon at 11:00 P...
Sam Ruby: WunderWiki
WunderWiki Sat 18 Feb 2012 at 16:20 I added a simple wiki as a demo for WunderBar . It demonstrates shelling out to handin...
IHI, a Japan's heavy industry company developed...
By taking advantage of the light weight and high output power of a compact gas turbine, it might be possible to realize a ...
So much WIN =D
Like our Facebook page and Subscribe to The LaModa... So much WIN =D Dirtybling has update with lots of cheerful romper......
Ruby Best Practices - The Decorator Delegator D...
2009-06-27 16:00, written by Gregory Brown As promised, we’re back with more design discussion and hopefully some interest...
By: Michael Springman: @Erick – Thanks for the ...
Am I going broad enough? Say you own a bicycle shop and you’ve reached out to every bicycle blog in your niche. What’s nex...
Try Ruby in the Browser:
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Ruby Summary: Ruby Study Notes - Best Ruby Guid...
Ruby Modules are similar to classes in that they hold a collection of methods, constants, and other module and class defin...
Added #rubyconfindia badge to my site
First time ever - Free Clojure 101 Announced RubyLearning featured on pluggd.IN RubyLearning winner of the Shorty Award in...
#anka_foster TVotingUrlKaiserPerm /A .NET Ruby,...
IronRuby is an excellent addition to the .NET Framework, providing Ruby developers with the power of the .NET framework. E...

About This Blog: Memcached | Ruby on Rails for ...
I’ll add to this and say that every beginning Rails developer should write their own blog software. It’s a great learning ...
MiniTest is a fast and lightweight testing library. Here you will learn how to use it in a Rails app for model, helper, an...
New recommended Ruby version: Ruby 1.9.3-p125 i...
New recommended Ruby version: Ruby 1.9.3-p125 is released Posted by DanielKehoe on February 16, 2012 — 0 comments Ruby 1.9...

DaveThomasに関する予習1。RubyKaigi 2007のキーノートのレポート
Dave Thomas is a writer, trainer, and primarily a programmer. He's the author of 7 books, including The Pragmatic Programm...